Tribulus terrestris grows in warm climates and can even survive deserts and bad soil. It is a weed and is known by other names like puncture vine, devil’s thorn, bullhead, devil’s eyelashes, and goathead. Its fruits look like a goat’s head, complete with two horns at the top.
They break up to reveal little nutlets that are very sturdy and can puncture a bicycle tire. The effect on the sole of your feet would be very painful since it is not as thick as a tire. Its uses however are not that painful or dangerous.
It is believed to affect physical and sexual strength, especially in men but it works on both. In Indian Ayurveda practices, it is used to build body tissues but works more on reproductive tissues.
This helps with sexual performance and physical muscle. Some bodybuilders use it to balance their testosterone levels which increases muscle mass as well as sexual desire. It also helps with impotence in men.
Some have said that it works well for the urinary tract. It is said to help alleviate kidney stones and urinary tract infections. It acts as a natural diuretic as well. A study was done in Iraq and they used different parts of the plant and applied them to areas that were at high risk of exposure to fungi and bacteria.
Some have pointed to its effectiveness in treating high blood pressure, gonorrhea, psoriasis, and some cancers.
Possible Side effects
The increase in testosterone may be good for sex but it works on other things as well. It leads to hair growth and an increase in prostate size. This hormone also affects rage and anger.
You should not ingest it as it is because the thorns on the nutlets might not spare your internal system. You can end up with punctured lungs and such. It is available in supplement form so that would be a better option.
So far bodybuilders are the ones who seem to be benefitting from the effect of this weed as they say that it builds body mass with minimal workout sessions and no side effects. It works better than steroids and is not a banned substance since it is natural. It is however not regulated by the FDA so use of this herb should be with caution.
The active ingredient is protodioscin and you should look out for supplements that have at least 45 percent of protodioscin.